Thursday, October 16, 2008

This Morning's Outing

Julie and I took the kids to the Thanksgiving Point Gardens this morning. The gardens really are unbelievably pretty all times of year!

Here's a slideshow of the adventure:

To view my comments on each picture (and to view larger versions of the pictures), go to the web album.

Talk about a fun group of kids.


Ellsworth Family said...

So cute! I love these pictures, I needed a good laugh

Sherrill said...

Fun pictures! You just needed to add a video of Rock Band. I don't see any snow! :)

Sara C said...

Ya, after we were done at Thanksgiving Point, the kids played Rock Band at our house for awhile. Julie decided to show them how a real rock star sings. Boston's "More than a Feeling" will never be the same. I think I lost hearing in one ear.

rebecca said...

It really is beautiful there! What a perfect backdrop for these photos. The kids are an absolute riot, esp. Kate w/ her poses and expressions. I don't know WHERE/WHO(you) she gets that from.

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are awesome! What a bunch of characters! Kate's pouts are too, too cute. And Julie's freak out pic is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures! Looks like it was a fun day.

Unknown said...

Who is "ellsworth family"?

Sara C said...

"ellsworth family" is the voice of the whole ellsworth family, duh.