Friday, December 12, 2008


Kate has inherited my love of nativities. She has a plastic Precious Moments one (gma Jodi gave it to us when Josh was little) that she plays with all of the time. My Willow Tree nativity is on the entry table. Kate can't help herself. She is constantly moving the pieces around. Here's a picture of her playing with the Willow Tree nativity. She added some black chess pieces, because I guess they needed to be part of the nativity too. And the little white sheep are from her Precious Moments nativity.

I just started busting up. I realized that Kate looks so cute and well-behaved in this picture. On the Sunday this picture was taken, I wasn't feeling well, so I was going to stay home from church. A few minutes after this picture was taken, it was time for everyone to go to church. Kate threw a major, monumental tantrum about something and had to stay home from church with me. She was not happy about that. But it's still a cute picture.


Carrie said...

So sweet! I have one of those Willow figures....Avery decided she needed a face the other night! How can I be is too funny! You may find all of your with little faces one day!

Sara C said...

Carrie - You need to post a picture of that! Too funny.