Sunday, March 15, 2009

A thank you note

I like doing the dishes. As a result, I don't ask anyone else to do them. I know, I need to let the kids do the dishes once in awhile so they learn how to do them. I'm really good at asking them to do the things I hate doing. But the dishes haven't made it to that list yet.

Yesterday, Bryan asked Josh to do the dishes. I walked into the kitchen, and there was Josh, busily trying to figure out how to load the dishwasher.

Today after church, Josh handed me this note:




rebecca said...

LOL! I don't mind the dishes either and as a result my kids make a mess of loading the dishwasher, and have an odd definition of what a "full load" looks like.

Grandma Jodi said...

That Josh is a keeper - sorta like ALL of your kids (MY g-kids!!). What a yummy young man you have Mom! Give him a hug for me!!

Anonymous said...

What a great note! Krissy is my best dish-doer but you have to get her in the right mood or it'll take all night.

Sherrill said...

Nice to see he's grateful now not just when he grows up and out! :)

Julee said...

Love that Josh! What a thoughtful guy!

Christine said...

That really is so sweet. He is such a good kid!