Sunday, March 15, 2009

A thank you note

I like doing the dishes. As a result, I don't ask anyone else to do them. I know, I need to let the kids do the dishes once in awhile so they learn how to do them. I'm really good at asking them to do the things I hate doing. But the dishes haven't made it to that list yet.

Yesterday, Bryan asked Josh to do the dishes. I walked into the kitchen, and there was Josh, busily trying to figure out how to load the dishwasher.

Today after church, Josh handed me this note:



Friday, March 13, 2009

Evidence of Kate's Drama

This video shows some of Kate's drama. I know, it's a little long, but you have to see the very end.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Joey's Poem

OK, it's a first. I finally figured out how to get the videos off the camcorder and into a format that works. At least, I think it works. You'll have to let me know.

Joey memorized a poem for the Storytelling Festival at his school. He was one of 4 Kindergarteners who told their poem for the K-3 grades at an assembly earlier this week. And he won first place for the Kindergarten age group!

Today they had a special little story telling time where any Kindergarteners who wanted to could say their poems. We filmed Joey doing his poem. And it's a little hard to hear, so these are the words:

If I were the color blue, I'd sing sad songs for you.
If I were the color yellow, I'd be a happy fellow.
If I were the color green, I'd grow like a big string bean.
If I were the color brown, I'd be a chocolate town.
If I were the color pink, I'd be a lemonade drink.
If I were the color purple, nothing would rhyme with me!
(I found the poem somewhere in the internet, in case you were wondering)